M/A-COM - The Videocipher 2 Decoder



  • Pictured Above is The New VCRS- Renewable Security module which replaces the old VCII descramblers
  •  The Following is an explanation of the various VideoCipher descrambler board types:

    Pink Cage / Dark Blue Cage /Red Cage
    VCII+ (VCRS) [TVPass Card Slot Located On Rear] MOM
    Pink Cage / Dark Blue Cage /Red Cage
    VCII+ (VCRS) [TVPass Card Slot Located On Rear] MOM
    Pink Cage / Dark Blue Cage /Red Cage
    VCII+ (VCRS) [TVPass Card Slot Located On Rear] MOM
    Light Blue Cage / Pink Cage / Red Cage
    VCII+ (First Generation VCII+) [No TvPass Card Slot] NO MOM
    Black Cage / Grey Cage
    VCII ( VideoCipher II Descrambler ) [ Full & 1/2 Sized ]
    Black Cage
    010 / 018 / 019
    VCII ( VideoCipher II Descrambler ) [ Full Sized ]

    M.O.M = Modem On the Module, used For Ordering Pay-Per-View And Uploading Authorization Data From The Descrambler To General Instruments Billing Center.

    010 - First Generation VCII Module
        018 - Second Generation VCII Module
     019 - Third Generation VCII Module

    The circuit board for these 3 types of descramblers filled the cage completely.

    032 - unknown VCII Module (Full & 1/2 Sized)

    029 - First Generation VCII+ Module
        040 - Second Generation VCII+ Module
      0A0 - Third Generation VCII+ Module

    Autoroll Users Please Note The Following

  • A010***** - Autoroll Compatible (Audio Available)

  • A018***** - Autoroll Compatible (Audio Available)

  • A019***** - Autoroll Compatible (Audio Available)

  • A032***** - Not Autoroll Compatible (No Audio Avaialble)
  • A029***** - Not Autoroll Compatible (No Audio Available)

  • A040***** - Not Autoroll Compatible (No Audio Available)

  • A090***** - Not Autoroll Compatible (No Audio Available)

  • A0A0***** - Not Autoroll Compatible (No Audio Available)

    The 032 Module came in 2 versions

    1: The circuit board layout looked identical to the previous boards but contained different authorization data. The circuit board filled the cage completely just as the others did. Descrambler is encase in a black plastic cage.

    2: The circuit board for the 032 descramblers only filled about 3/4 of the cage itself but is commonly named the 1/2 sized board, this is in a grey colored cage and is a the newer version of the 032 release.

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    The Information Provided On This Page Is For Education Use Only & To Aid In The Understanding Of How Various Scrambling Systems Are Used & How They Are Operated . . .

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