The VideoCipher II has the following features:

To tell Which Type of VideoCipher Descrambler You Have First Look At The Back Of The Cage / Module. There should be a sticker with a barcode on it and just below should be an Authorization Number. This is your Unit Identification # The first 4 characters of the unit ID is the key to finding out which board you are looking at

 Example: A010179E2


This would be an 010 VideoCipher II Module (A5 Series)[Autoroll Will Work]

 Example: A018614D0


 This would be an 018 VideoCipher II Module (A5 Series)(Autoroll Will Work)

 Example: A01919F70


 This would be an 019 VideoCipher II Module (A5 Series)(Autoroll Will Work)

 Example: A03285822


 This would be an 032 VideoCipher II Module (77 Series)(Autoroll Gives Video Only!)

 Example: A029313EF


 This would be an 029 VideoCipher II+ Module (Autoroll will NOT work)

 Example: A0A1EC86A


 This would be an 0A1 VideoCipher II+ VCRS Module (Autoroll will NOT work)

 Example: A0A32D39A


 This would be an 0A3 VideoCipher II+ VCRS Module (Autoroll will NOT work)

Checking Your U24 Information

** The next few steps require that the module be opened, this will void your warranty **

Full Sized (010 - 018 - 019 - 032)

Simply open the module and locate the large Integrated Circuit (IC) or chip on the bottom left side of the board. Note: Edge Connector Fingers Pointing Up or Away From You.

Next look at the 3rd line of text written on the chip (some chips have a thick black line covering the text, simply use a regular pencil erase to remove, don't rub too hard!) the 3rd line should read one of the following:

24296-4*M* -- C4 Board [ 010 ]

Note: The U24 Chip located on 010 Boards may sometimes simply look like this:


24296-5*M* -- A5 Board [ 018 / 019 ]


24296-7*M* -- 77 Board [ 032 ]


Half Sized (032) Grey Module

Look at the large 40 pin IC located at u7, on the far right side of the board with the edge connector being the top this chip is right beside the epoxy. You WILL see the folowing Text:

24296-7*M* -- Denotes 77 Board, Same Chip As Full Sized Boards!


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The Information Provided On This Page Is For Education Use Only & To Aid In The Understanding Of How Various Scrambling Systems Are Used & How They Are Operated . . .

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